

Go DRiver for ORacle User Guide

Godror Logging and Tracing


godror uses github.com/go-kit/kit/log’s concept of a Log function. Either set godror.Log to a logging function globally, or (better) set the logger in the Context of ExecContext or QueryContext:

db.QueryContext(godror.ContextWithLog(ctx, logger.Log), qry)


Connection properties can be set for end-to-end tracing. Applications should set the properties because they can greatly help to identify and resolve unnecessary database resource usage, or improper access.

ClientIdentifier, ClientInfo, Module, Action and DbOp can be set on the session. The values can then be seen by the DBA in database views such as V$SESSION. For example to set Module and Action on the Context:

    Module: "processing",
    Action: "first",
}), qry)

Internal Tracing

The ODPI-C tracing capability can be used to log lower level database access. For example to log executed statements to the standard error stream set the environment variable DPI_DEBUG_LEVEL to 16 before running your application. At a Windows command prompt, this could be done with set DPI_DEBUG_LEVEL=16. On Linux, you might use:

$ export DPI_DEBUG_LEVEL=16
$ node myapp.js 2> log.txt